The base url
The base fetch options
A fresh wretch instance
Sets the default method (text, json, …) used to parse the data contained in the response body in case of an HTTP error. As with other static methods, it will affect wretch instances created after calling this function.
Note: if the response Content-Type header is set to "application/json", the body will be parsed as json regardless of the errorType.
import wretch from "wretch"
.catch(error => {
// error[errorType] (here, json) contains the parsed body
If null, defaults to "text".
Sets the default fetch options that will be stored internally when instantiating wretch objects.
import wretch from "wretch"
wretch.options({ headers: { "Accept": "application/json" } });
// The fetch request is sent with both headers.
wretch("...", { headers: { "X-Custom": "Header" } }).get().res();
Default options
If true, completely replaces the existing options instead of mixing in
Sets the default polyfills that will be stored internally when instantiating wretch objects.
Useful for browserless environments like node.js
Needed for libraries like fetch-ponyfill.
import wretch from "wretch"
fetch: require("node-fetch"),
FormData: require("form-data"),
URLSearchParams: require("url").URLSearchParams,
// Uses the above polyfills.
An object containing the polyfills
If true, replaces the current polyfills instead of mixing in
Creates a new wretch instance with a base url and base fetch options.