Interface FormDataAddon

interface FormDataAddon {
    formData<T, C, R>(this: T & Wretch<T, C, R>, formObject: object, recursive?: boolean | string[]): this;



  • Converts the javascript object to a FormData and sets the request body.

    const form = {
    hello: "world",
    duck: "Muscovy",


    The recursive argument when set to true will enable recursion through all nested objects and produce object[key] keys. It can be set to an array of string to exclude specific keys.

    Warning: Be careful to exclude Blob instances in the Browser, and ReadableStream and Buffer instances when using the node.js compatible form-data package.

    const form = {
    duck: "Muscovy",
    duckProperties: {
    beak: {
    color: "yellow",
    legs: 2,
    ignored: {
    key: 0,

    // Will append the following keys to the FormData payload:
    // "duck", "duckProperties[beak][color]", "duckProperties[legs]"
    wretch("...").addons(FormDataAddon).formData(form, ["ignored"]).post();

    Note: This addon does not support specifying a custom filename. If you need to do so, you can use the body method directly:

    const form = new FormData();
    form.append("hello", "world", "hello.txt");


    Type Parameters


    • this: T & Wretch<T, C, R>
    • formObject: object

      An object which will be converted to a FormData

    • Optionalrecursive: boolean | string[]

      If true, will recurse through all nested objects. Can be set as an array of string to exclude specific keys.

    Returns this