class Api::Dialog
- Api::Dialog
- Reference
- Object
The Dialog facade, used to simulate dialogue rounds between the user and the action.
Included Modules
Defined in:
api/dialog.crInstance Method Summary
Dispose previously defined flows.
#flow(intent_name : String, &block : Flow::IntentContinuation)
Create a new dialog flow having a single intent as the entry point.
Create a new dialog flow having one or more intents as the entry point.
Publish a dialogue configure message.
Publish a continue session message.
Publish an end session message.
Publish a start session message.
#subscribe_intent(*extra_args, once = false, &callback : IntentMessage -> Void)
Subscribe to intent events.
#subscribe_intent_not_recognized(*extra_args, once = false, &callback : IntentNotRecognizedMessage -> Void)
Subscribe to intent_not_recognized events.
#subscribe_intents(*extra_args, once = false, &callback : IntentMessage -> Void)
Subscribe to intents events.
#subscribe_session_ended(*extra_args, once = false, &callback : SessionEndedMessage -> Void)
Subscribe to session_ended events.
#subscribe_session_queued(*extra_args, once = false, &callback : SessionQueuedMessage -> Void)
Subscribe to session_queued events.
#subscribe_session_started(*extra_args, once = false, &callback : SessionStartedMessage -> Void)
Subscribe to session_started events.
#unsubscribe_intent(callback_ref, *extra_args)
Unsubscribe to intent events.
#unsubscribe_intent_not_recognized(callback_ref, *extra_args)
Unsubscribe to intent_not_recognized events.
#unsubscribe_intents(callback_ref, *extra_args)
Unsubscribe to intents events.
#unsubscribe_session_ended(callback_ref, *extra_args)
Unsubscribe to session_ended events.
#unsubscribe_session_queued(callback_ref, *extra_args)
Unsubscribe to session_queued events.
#unsubscribe_session_started(callback_ref, *extra_args)
Unsubscribe to session_started events.
Instance methods inherited from module Bindings
call!(result)call!(&block) call!
Instance Method Detail
Create a new dialog flow having a single intent as the entry point.
Create a new dialog flow having one or more intents as the entry point.
Subscribe to intent events.
Subscribe to intent_not_recognized events.
Subscribe to intents events.
Subscribe to session_ended events.
Subscribe to session_queued events.
Subscribe to session_started events.
Unsubscribe to intent_not_recognized events.