• Adds the ability to measure requests using the Performance Timings API.

    Uses the Performance API (browsers & node.js) to expose timings related to the underlying request.

    Browser timings are very accurate, node.js only contains raw measures.

    import PerfsAddon from "wretch/addons/perfs"

    // Use perfs() before the response types (text, json, ...)
    .perfs((timings) => {
    // Will be called when the timings are ready.

    For node.js, there is a little extra work to do :

    // Node.js only
    const { performance, PerformanceObserver } = require("perf_hooks");

    fetch: function (url, opts) {
    performance.mark(url + " - begin");
    return fetch(url, opts).then(res => {
    performance.mark(url + " - end");
    setTimeout(() => performance.measure(res.url, url + " - begin", url + " - end"), 0);
    return res;
    // other polyfills…
    performance: performance,
    PerformanceObserver: PerformanceObserver,

    Returns WretchAddon<unknown, PerfsAddon>

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