
  • QueryStringAddon



  • Converts a javascript object to query parameters, then appends this query string to the current url. String values are used as the query string verbatim.

    Pass true as the second argument to replace existing query parameters.

    import QueryAddon from "wretch/addons/queryString"

    let w = wretch("http://example.com").addon(QueryStringAddon);
    // url is http://example.com
    w = w.query({ a: 1, b: 2 });
    // url is now http://example.com?a=1&b=2
    w = w.query({ c: 3, d: [4, 5] });
    // url is now http://example.com?a=1&b=2c=3&d=4&d=5
    w = w.query("five&six&seven=eight");
    // url is now http://example.com?a=1&b=2c=3&d=4&d=5&five&six&seven=eight
    w = w.query({ reset: true }, true);
    // url is now http://example.com?reset=true
    Note that .query is not meant to handle complex cases with nested objects.

    For this kind of usage, you can use wretch in conjunction with other libraries (like qs).

    // Using wretch with qs

    const queryObject = { some: { nested: "objects" } };
    const w = wretch("https://example.com/").addon(QueryStringAddon)

    // Use .qs inside .query :


    // Use .defer :

    const qsWretch = w.defer((w, url, { qsQuery, qsOptions }) => (
    qsQuery ? w.query(qs.stringify(qsQuery, qsOptions)) : w

    .options({ qs: { query: queryObject } });

    Type Parameters


    • this: T & Wretch<T, C, R>
    • qp: string | object

      An object which will be converted, or a string which will be used verbatim.

    • Optional replace: boolean

    Returns QueryStringAddon

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