RetryOptions: {
    delayRamp?: DelayRampFunction;
    delayTimer?: number;
    maxAttempts?: number;
    onRetry?: OnRetryFunction;
    resolveWithLatestResponse?: boolean;
    retryOnNetworkError?: boolean;
    skip?: SkipFunction;
    until?: UntilFunction;

Type declaration

  • OptionaldelayRamp?: DelayRampFunction

    The custom function that is used to calculate the actual delay based on the the timer & the number of attemps.

    Default: delay * nbOfAttemps

  • OptionaldelayTimer?: number

    The timer between each attempt in milliseconds.

    Default: 500

  • OptionalmaxAttempts?: number

    The maximum number of retries before resolving the promise with the last error. Specifying 0 means infinite retries.

    Default: 10

  • OptionalonRetry?: OnRetryFunction

    Callback that will get executed before retrying the request. If this function returns an object having url and/or options properties, they will override existing values in the retried request.

    Default: undefined

  • OptionalresolveWithLatestResponse?: boolean

    If true, the request will be resolved with the latest response instead of rejected with an error.

    Default: false

  • OptionalretryOnNetworkError?: boolean

    If true, will retry the request if a network error was thrown. Will also provide an 'error' argument to the onRetry and until methods.

    Default: false

  • Optionalskip?: SkipFunction

    If skip returns true, the request will not be retried.


    (url, options) => (
    options.method !== "GET"

    Default: undefined

  • Optionaluntil?: UntilFunction

    The request will be retried until that condition is satisfied.

    Default: response && response.ok