module Moongoon::Database


Used to connect to a MongoDB database instance.

Defined in:

Instance Method Summary

Instance Method Detail

def after_connect(&block : Proc(Nil)) #

Pass a block that will get executed after the database has been successfully connected and after the scripts are run.

Moongoon::Database.after_connect {
  # ... #

def after_connect_before_scripts(&block : Proc(Nil)) #

Pass a block that will get executed after the database has been successfully connected but before the scripts are run.

Moongoon::Database.after_connect_before_scripts {
  # ... #

def before_connect(&block : Proc(Nil)) #

Pass a block that will get executed before the server tries to connect to the database.

Moongoon::Database.before_connect {
  puts "Before connecting…"

def connect(database_url : String = "mongodb://localhost:27017", database_name : String = "database", *, options : Mongo::Options? = nil, max_retries = nil, reconnection_delay = 5.seconds) #

Connects to MongoDB.

Use an instance of Mongo::Options as the options argument to customize the Mongo::Client instance.

Will retry up to max_retries times to connect to the database. If max_retries is nil, will retry infinitely.

Will sleep for reconnection_delay between attempts.

# Arguments are all optional, their default values are the ones defined below:
Moongoon.connect("mongodb://localhost:27017", "database", options = nil, max_retries: nil, reconnection_delay: 5.seconds)

def connection_with_lock(lock_name : String, *, delay = 0.5.seconds, abort_if_locked = false, &block : Proc(Mongo::Client, Mongo::Database, Nil)) #

Acquires a database lock and yields the client and database objects.

Will acquire a lock named lock_name, polling the DB every delay to check the lock status. If abort_if_locked is true the block will not be executed and this method will return if the lock is acquired already.

# If another connection uses the "query" lock, it will wait
# until this block has completed before perfoming its own work.
Moongoon.connection_with_lock "query" { |client, db|
  collection = db["some_collection"]
  data = collection.find query
  pp data